Michael Saylor: US Government Should Own Majority of Bitcoin in the World

1 個月前

Michael Saylor, executive chairman of pro-bitcoin Microstrategy (Nasdaq: MSTR), stated at the Bitcoin conference in Nashville, Tennessee, on Friday that the U.S. government should own the majority of the world’s bitcoin. He believes that acquiring BTC would strengthen the U.S. dollar.

Saylor said:

I think you back the dollar by doing something economically rational.

He explained that when the United States purchased Louisiana, “we expanded the country and doubled the size of it, we backed the dollar.” Similarly, he stated that when the U.S. bought Alaska and “found trillions of dollars of oil underneath it, we backed the dollar,” and when “we developed the Port of New York, New York City, and engaged in international commerce, we backed the dollar.”

The Microstrategy executive chairman emphasized: “The country gotta look to the future, and the future of the country is in cyberspace, and, bitcoin is, in essence, cyber Manhattan. So, the way you back the dollar is you buy Manhattan for pieces of paper and trinkets, and you buy it before it’s worth hundreds of trillions of dollars, just like the Dutch bought New York for $50 worth of plastic beads.”

Saylor stressed, “It’s right in front of us.” Noting that “the United States owns the majority of the gold in the world” and “the U.S. federal government owns 28% of the land in the United States,” he concluded:

The U.S. government should own the majority of bitcoin in the world.

