Haotian | CryptoInsight|Mar 15, 2025 11:46
After a rough look at the 2.0 upgrade of @ FlareNetworks' oracle data public chain, as expected, TEEs (Trusted Execution Environments) will expand their use cases in oracle service systems, further amplifying their technical component value in public chain Infra. How to apply it specifically?
1) The concept of TEEs has been introduced many times, essentially a secure computing environment that implements data isolation at the hardware level, with core functions of securely storing private keys and remotely authenticating trusted computing.
Previously, it was emphasized that it would be an important technological component for future multi AI agent interactions, but in fact, applying it to oracle systems would have a similar effect. Because both oracle machines and AI agents rely on critical off chain data feeding and transmission, the role of TEEs can increase data reliability and consolidate on chain consensus;
2) Flare public chain mainly applies TEEs in two aspects: 1. FTSO oracle component; 2. PMW Cross Chain Protocol Management Wallet;
FTSO is an important oracle component of Flare, which is used to obtain price information from multiple data sources. With the architecture upgrade of TEEs, when downstream protocols such as DeFi in the Flare ecosystem need to apply oracle data, the data will first be verified and calculated in the TEE environment, and there will be a final verifiable price data.
Specifically, Flare can adopt a multi TEEs parallel architecture design, allowing multiple TEEs environments to simultaneously process signature price information submitted by data providers, complete data aggregation within 500ms sub second time, and quickly distribute with the help of the data availability DA layer.
In the subsequent data verification stage, a bidirectional trust mechanism is adopted. On the one hand, the reliability of the data source is ensured through staking verification, and on the other hand, the trustworthiness of operations performed in the TEE environment is verified through TEE remote authentication mechanism.
Based on this rigorous multi guarantee design, it will prevent human tampering during data calls. Even if the data is jointly verified and established by validator nodes, TEE can enhance the avoidance of the possibility of collusion and wrongdoing among some nodes. So, the introduction of TEEs is also a technological upgrade for Flare to enhance its oracle trust consensus;
PMW is an important innovation in this upgrade, which is essentially a cross chain asset custody and management system, equivalent to a module of "secure consensus" integrated into other chains by Flare. When other chains call the oracle data of Flare public chain, a secure trust channel can be established through PMW. With the protection of TEE environment, only transactions that have obtained valid signatures from Flare validators will perform relevant operations.
During this calling process, TEE keeps the private key, and the verifier can only verify the data but cannot see the relevant data. This can achieve a perfect combination of data verification and privacy protection, thereby enhancing the security and credibility of cross chain interactions. For Flare public chains, PMW+TEE is like upgrading a "chain abstraction" service system that can quickly connect trust relationships.
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