Vitalik Buterin’s ‘Make Communism Great Again’ Post Gets Backlash From Crypto Community

1 month ago

Vitalk Buterin, the famous Ethereum founder, has ignited social media with his remarks regarding communism. While answering a post that commented on the appointment of a new AI lead on the Ethereum Foundation, Buterin called to make communism great again, leaving part of his following in awe.

Certainly, Buterin is no stranger to referring to the dichotomy of capitalism vs communism, often commenting on the need for reforms given the failure of the latter. However, this phrase, presented as such, affected many in the crypto sphere, who criticized the blanket support of this system.

For example, Ethereum Monterrey, a Mexican community that promotes the ETH ecosystem, stated:

We DO NOT support communism. History has shown its devastating consequences: millions of lives lost, economic collapse, and oppression under authoritarian regimes. The cost has been too high.

Justin Bons, founder and CIO of Cryptocapital, also criticized Buterin’s actions, stressing that even if he meant it to be a joke, it was not okay. “Communism killed over 100 million people in the 20th century! This one ideology led to unimaginable suffering on a scale human beings cannot even comprehend,” he assessed.

Differently, some supporters called to take Buterin’s words in a distinct sense. Joseph Lubin, founder of Consensys and co-founder of Ethereum, disregarded Buterin’s words, highlighting that his remarks were the product of his frustration and absurd sense of humor.

Lubin also noted that Buterin’s family escaped communist Russia when he was a kid. He then stated that he was in support of Buterin’s criticism, introducing a new concept he called collective capitalism.

He declared:

I personally believe we are currently ushering in a new era that I think of as collective capitalism. It is indeed time to make capitalism great for the first time.

Read more: Ethereum’s Descent Into Existential Crisis


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