Economist Explains Bitcoin’s Untapped Potential for Central Bank Reserves

4 hours ago

The Bitcoin Policy Institute (BPI), a non-profit think tank, published a paper last week by economist Matthew Ferranti titled “The Case for Bitcoin as a Reserve Asset.” The paper examines bitcoin’s potential as a central bank reserve asset, comparing its crisis resilience to that of gold. BPI focuses on educating policymakers and the public about bitcoin and other disruptive digital technologies.

In his paper, Ferranti detailed:

I argue that bitcoin is a reserve asset — analogous in some respects to gold — and some central banks might consider adding bitcoin to their reserves.

Ferranti noted that, although El Salvador is currently the only country officially holding bitcoin as a reserve asset, other nations may be quietly exploring similar strategies amid rising global financial tensions and sanctions.

Beyond its crisis-hedging properties, Ferranti believes BTC offers diversification advantages that may help address inflation, sanctions, and global economic disruptions. He noted bitcoin’s robust architecture makes it harder to counterfeit than gold, its limited supply functions as an inflationary buffer, and its liquidity meets transactional demands, enhancing its appeal as a reserve asset. Furthermore, Ferranti argued that bitcoin’s resilience to sanctions could be advantageous for nations facing geopolitical challenges.

However, Ferranti advised caution, noting that “neither bitcoin nor gold are necessarily suitable for every central bank, and it is beyond the scope of this paper to make specific investment recommendations.” He added, “There are several factors that influence the currency composition of central bank reserves, beyond those discussed here,” highlighting the importance of each nation’s unique economic situation and currency requirements. The economist concluded:

Bitcoin possesses distinct investment qualities that could support central banks in diversifying against a range of risks, such as inflation, geopolitical tensions, capital controls, sovereign debt, banking instability, and financial sanctions. If gold is accepted as a reserve asset, bitcoin merits similar consideration.


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