A Hero Falls: Bitcoin Community Blasts Michael Saylor’s ‘Paranoid Crypto-Anarchists’ and Self-Custody Remarks

3 hours ago

Michael Saylor, co-founder and Executive Chairman of Microstrategy, stirred the cryptocurrency community after taking a jab at who he called “paranoid crypto-anarchists” over the relevance of self-custody in a total bitcoin seizure event.

Read more: Self-Custody Is More Than a Feature – Dennis Jarvis, CEO of Bitcoin.com

At a recent interview, Saylor was asked about the risk of holding large amounts of bitcoin on centralized platforms and how this might incentivize and facilitate a bitcoin seizure scenario. Saylor rejected these claims, claiming that crypto-anarchists were the ones that could originate such an event due to their disregard for following proper compliance rules.

Saylor declared:

I think that when the bitcoin is held by a bunch of crypto-anarchists who aren’t regulated entities who don’t acknowledge government or don’t acknowledge taxes or don’t acknowledge reporting requirements that increases the risk of seizure.

Saylor reinforced that when custody is provided by Blackrock, Fidelity, or JPMorgan, which he called regulated public entities, this seizure risk is lower given that lawmakers and politicians are also invested in these platforms.

When asked about the chance of the government issuing an order to seize bitcoin like it did with gold in 1933, Saylor also belittled this possibility. He declared:

People say that but mostly it’s mostly it’s paranoid crypto anarchists that say that okay because it’s a myth and a trope that goes on over and over again.

These statements startled the crypto community, which blasted Saylor’s train of thought. Known bitcoin permabull Max Keiser took to social media to criticize these allegations, assessing that Saylor was “the type of guy who thinks the stripper really likes him (or, he has Stockholm Syndrome).”

Podcaster Vlad Costea also stated that Sayor rendered the crypto community that boosted his status irrelevant, criticizing his former allegiance to the paranoid people he now vilified. “It doesn’t matter what he said 3-4 years ago, he was only pulling strings to get bigger than any other voice in bitcoin,” he detailed.

Ray Youssef, CEO and Chief Advocate Of Noones, an Africa-focused P2P market, linked this to the current state of bitcoin markets. “We were all warned but we’re too smug and busy pooping on Roger ver to notice that bitcoin got p0wn3ed,” he concluded.

Writers’ take: While the change of heart in Saylor’s considerations about OG bitcoins and the importance of self-custody can be surprising for some, the reality is that his vision is only logical. Saylor is an investor first, and investors are forced to think inside the box, entrapped in a compliance and regulations ecosystem that institutions must follow, so his latest statements are part of his programming as an entrepreneur.


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