#U.S. lawmakers call for ban on stock trading#

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Recently, US Congressman Ro Khanna has called for a ban on stock trading by members of Congress, sparking heated debate. This call has received support from some members of the public, but market predictions suggest a mere 14% chance of success. The issue centers around preventing members of Congress from using their positions for insider trading, in order to uphold public interest and the credibility of the government. Currently, the issue has not garnered widespread support, and its future development remains to be seen.

Ace Hot Topic Analysis

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U.S. Congressman Ro Khanna recently called for a ban on stock trading by members of Congress. The call has drawn widespread attention, but the market currently believes there is only a 14% chance of this happening next year. Khanna's call is not without merit. In recent years, scandals involving members of Congress using insider information to trade stocks have emerged, raising public concerns about conflicts of interest. Khanna believes that banning stock trading by members of Congress can effectively eliminate this conflict of interest and increase public trust in government. However, the proposal also faces considerable resistance. Some argue that banning stock trading would restrict the financial freedom of members of Congress and could lead to a loss of talent. Currently, the proposal has not received the support of a majority of members of Congress, and its ultimate fate remains to be seen.

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Calls to ban lawmakers from trading stocks are growing louder


US Congressman Ro Khanna has called for a ban on lawmakers trading stocks


The market predicts a 14% chance of this happening next year


The proposal has not yet received widespread support