Federal Reserve Daley: Will determine the policy for the Fed's November meeting based on data, did not include artificial intelligence as a component of policy work

AiCoin快讯|Oct 21, 2024 23:43
Odaily Planet Daily News: Federal Reserve Daly stated that the Fed will continue to adjust its policies. The recent interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve were a narrow victory. I strongly support a 50 basis point interest rate cut. The policy for the Federal Reserve's November meeting will be determined based on data. So far, we have not seen any signs that we will not continue to cut interest rates. If inflation continues to decline, even if the economy performs strongly, we hope to maintain an open attitude and continue to relax policies. It also claimed that what was overlooked in the Silicon Valley banking incident was the "concentration risk" of its customer network. An independent central bank is an advantage. The Federal Reserve has not included artificial intelligence as a component of its policy work. The current work of the Federal Reserve in the field of artificial intelligence is to understand how other institutions use AI and its impact on the economy. (Golden Ten)
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