爱吃大饼的蛋|Mar 23, 2025 21:31
A new week has begun.
I don't know what BSC spot will be available on Binance this week, or whether it will be available for sale or not? If we don't pull the disk, that's it. There's not much space to talk about.
There are so many fake votes, I really don't know which two?
It's not very realistic to rely on chives to pull the market by themselves. Chizi Xiao's mood is good, and the market hot spot is in the FOMO wave. Then, without anyone to relay, everyone will break up and move on to the next one.
We still need to increase the supply of spot goods and drive the market.
CZ was also quite good at playing and tested another wave of MUBs yesterday, and even opened a contract with APX. Has BSC cultivated its own sustainability?
Nil also traded tonight, but it's probably not very interesting. It's estimated to open 1u and circulate 195 million.
Now this kind of 1-on-1 platform, everyone has given a psychological valuation, and then it's over.
The market has been quite stable recently. Have you been buying at the bottom or selling?
The biggest feeling of this round is that the market's speculation expectations have changed, and the pace is faster and more intense.
If you are not actively involved in many first tier projects in the first place.
The next step is basically losing money.
Most of the money in this round was earned on the chain, while the exchange lost money on cryptocurrency trading.
Hey. come on.
Continue playing games and completing tasks. Because sitting idle definitely requires getting things done early, 😄。
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