Research: UAE ranks first globally as a crypto friendly country

PANews|Mar 23, 2025 08:36
According to a study by Atmos, the United Arab Emirates is the world's top ranked crypto friendly country with a score of 98.4, slightly higher than the second ranked Singapore (97.5), and the United States with a score of 85.4, ranking third.
The study shows that the third ranked United States has 29834 ATMs, while the United Arab Emirates only has one. Nevertheless, the UAE's 25.3% ownership rate of cryptocurrencies combined with a 210% adoption rate is sufficient to ensure its top spot. Canada, with the second largest number of Bitcoin ATMs (3561), ranks fourth with a total score of 72. This score is attributed to its 10.1% cryptocurrency ownership rate and 225% adoption rate. In Türkiye, due to the economic uncertainty caused by currency depreciation, the possession rate of cryptocurrency ranks third (19.3%). However, the country's low adoption rate, coupled with the scarcity of Bitcoin ATMs (7 units), resulted in a score of 67.8, making it the fifth most cryptocurrency friendly country.
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