币圈女菩萨 | Pizza披萨🍕
币圈女菩萨 | Pizza披萨🍕|Mar 22, 2025 14:31
Recently, Bitget held a lottery event where participants can participate by simply importing an external wallet address and receive tens of thousands of dollars in rewards. The link is here: https://(x.com)/kajiweb3/status/1901944201434304752 Recently, friends who have been playing on the blockchain should understand the sense of collapse that comes with missing out on opportunities, right? I recently set my sights on a Meme coin, and the market is about to take off, As a result, the previously used DEX module was suspended due to service upgrades. When I wanted to rush my dog, I was so anxious that my friend recommended trying Bitget Wallet. To be honest, it's quite fragrant. Let's talk about cross chain experience first. Bitget Wallet can handle ETH to Solana or Base to BSC in just a few seconds, and the speed is very fast. And the gas fee is particularly worry free, supporting direct payments in USDT and BGB without the need to exchange gas coins in advance, making the operation much more convenient. Speaking of MEV protection, this feature is too practical for experienced on chain traders. I used to be trapped by traps a lot. When I placed an order, the price seemed decent, but when I made a deal, it was always a bit expensive. After using Bitget Wallet to place several more orders, the transaction price was almost as expected, and I no longer felt like I was being chased up by robots. In fact, the Web3 wallet is definitely not just an accessory of the exchange in the future, but will develop independently. Various web3 wallets are striving in this direction, with increasingly powerful features. It is recommended that everyone try more.
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