Jiawei|Mar 20, 2025 02:57
I have been looking at DePIN core or PMF issues for a while now
Does the existing traditional infrastructure have obvious shortcomings? Can a decentralized approach solve these problems, fill the market gap, or have advantages over the original solution?
For example, the market demand for Grass's web scraping is high, and traditional methods cannot do it, while distributed methods can do it
For example, Helium Mobile offers real discounts, including free packages and an unlimited package of $30. The price difference is a clear advantage
PMF is related to many factors. If the local infrastructure level is high enough and the user experience is good, it is difficult to say how to go. Just like there is no need to build decentralized new energy charging piles in Shenzhen because they are everywhere
After resolving PMF, the next step is to
From a long-term perspective, are the needs of various stakeholders and participants being met to a certain extent and sustainable? The coordination and correction capability of the network and the sustainability of the token mechanism
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