allincrypto 熬鹰资本
allincrypto 熬鹰资本|Mar 19, 2025 12:20
I thought for a moment, and if I were only looking at the market from my perspective, I wouldn't even think of the memes created by everyone, such as "E Guard" or "E Xia Shanzhai G". When I accept word-of-mouth from the media/community, I also agree that everyone is right, after all, ETH has been weaker than BTC in the past two years, which has deepened the impression these memes have left on me. But when I returned to the candlestick, I made money by trading long on Ethereum during the daily downtrend, short on Bitcoin during the daily uptrend, and long on the ETH/BTC exchange rate, even though the daily line continued to decline. Trading is trading, and everyone can talk about the memes of cryptocurrency culture, but in their hearts, they still need to start from the actual way of using charts/events/data. Don't be completely influenced just because you watch memes created by others every day. The buy and sell buttons are so simple and smooth to operate. Repeat the steps, conquer humanity, and conquer yourself.
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