川沐|Trumoo🐮|Mar 19, 2025 11:19
Today, I came up with a new perspective for making money Earn money from new stocks that join the Hong Kong Stock Connect Because the mainland can bring high liquidity and boost stock prices, we can calculate in advance the Hong Kong stock companies that can be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Connect according to the rules The Hong Kong Stock Connect examines the average end of month market value data of the past 12 months on June 30th and December 31st each year. Exception: If the company has been listed for less than 12 months, the average market value shall be calculated based on the actual listing time. Inclusion criteria: The average monthly market value in the past 12 months (or actual listing time) must reach HKD 5 billion; If it is less than 4 billion Hong Kong dollars, it may be withdrawn The inspection results are usually announced and take effect 1-2 months later. For example, the inspection results for June 30th will be announced at the end of August and will take effect in early September (announced in February and effective in March) So we can filter and select stocks that meet the requirements and have more active trading volume at the end of February and August each year, and then give priority to technology stocks, profitable stocks, and stocks with fast performance growth, Finally, select three buy options Waiting to sell at the right time
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