吴说区块链|Mar 17, 2025 00:33
Wu Shuo learned that according to the South Korean Economic Television, the Bank of Korea (BOK) responded to questions from members of parliament by stating that it has never considered including Bitcoin in foreign exchange reserves and believes that a cautious attitude should be taken towards this. BOK pointed out that the price of Bitcoin fluctuates greatly, and if the market is unstable, Bitcoin may face the risk of a sharp increase in transaction costs during the monetization process. In addition, Bitcoin does not meet the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) standards for foreign exchange reserves. The Bank of Korea added that although countries such as the Czech Republic and Brazil hold a positive attitude, the European Central Bank (ECB), the Swiss National Bank, and the Japanese government all hold a negative stance on Bitcoin as a foreign exchange reserve. https://www. (wublock123.com)/index.php? m=content&c=index&a=show&catid=6&id=39551
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