Lux(λ) |光尘|空灵|GEB
Lux(λ) |光尘|空灵|GEB|Mar 14, 2025 06:42
Brother:@ cool62926486 , Pay attention, many issues have not been thoroughly researched yet. For example: The changed name of BEVM is: GEB, Not BitAgere. BitAgere is an AI subnet formed by GEB's sub consensus. GEB also has a dual currency consensus system based on Bitcoin, which is a network that coexists with BTC. The reason for changing to GEB is: G means G ö del, who is the biggest defaulter of formal logic. E is Escher, he is a dishonest person in the art world. B is Bach, he is a dishonest person in the music industry. And I am a dishonest person in formal blockchain technology, because I have proven using G ö del's incompleteness theorem that formal blockchain technologies such as BFT can only be used as tools, and cannot achieve the vitality and intelligence of Bitcoin like Satoshi Nakamoto. BEVM is a product of formal blockchain technology, so we must abandon its formal nihilism and return to a cycle of life intelligence similar to Bitcoin's self referential loop recursion. This is: The name GEB comes from the idea of being an intelligent cryptocurrency system, rather than a formal blockchain technology like an air coin or meaningless tool.
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