Jihoz.ron 🍚|Mar 12, 2025 16:41
If you don't believe in crypto, it's clear that you've never:
• tried to send money to anyone overseas
• opened a bank account
• opened a brokerage account
• tried to buy apple or tesla stock as a non-american
• tried to sell your game items
• played WOW or Runescape or Eve online
• gotten your physical collectible cards graded
• had to build up an Ebay 'trust score'
I was once blessed to speak to @pmarca.
I remember two things from that convo:
1. discussing the 30 years war, Gustavus Adolphus and combined arms
2. Marc said that "the lack of a trustless way to transact with anyone/anywhere was the original sin of the internet"
Crypto is not a leap of faith. My discipline and commitment is backed by life experiences and having experienced a better way of transacting, socializing, and creating value on the internet.
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