MyShell releases official statement on Binance announcement and SHELL repurchase plan

律动BlockBeats|Mar 10, 2025 13:44
BlockBeats News: On March 10th, MyShell released an official statement regarding Binance's announcement and SHELL's repurchase plan
On March 7th, we received a notice from the Binance team regarding abnormal activity involving one of our market makers. In response, we immediately terminated our relationship with the market maker and introduced several new partners to ensure stable liquidity. All Binance accounts related to the market maker have been suspended, and all remaining assets will be transferred to our new market maker. In addition, all stablecoins sold by the market maker will be used to repurchase SHELL within 90 days. To ensure complete transparency, we will disclose wallet addresses related to the repurchase for community verification. In addition, we are working closely with Binance to make this process transparent
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