0xAA (📜, 🐦⬛🔑)|Mar 08, 2025 13:41
The Cocoro issuer (OwnTheDoge) has added two Cocoro unilateral pools in Base Uniswap v3 (without adding ETH), each with 37.5% Cocoro, for a total of 75%.
The first one (Pool ID: 2256046) has exceeded the price range, with a WETH of 2.1M and a handling fee of 230000U in the pool.
The second one (Pool ID: 2256052) is still within the Range, and everyone is currently trading in this pool. There are 23M worth of WETH and Cocoro inside, as well as a 1M handling fee. At present, the pool is not locked, but it is estimated to be locked.
It can be seen that celebrity coins and dog coins are still highly sought after in the market, and Agency is making a lot of money.
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