看不懂的sol|Mar 08, 2025 04:50
After more than 20 days, Bitget Launchpool has once again been launched. As I mentioned before when recommending $AB to my brothers, every activity in Bitget's Launchpool generates significant profits and lasts for a short period of time. Getting in the car means eating meat. 🏁 This launch pool involves ELX dividing a total of 3833000 ELX 🏁 What is ELX? This is a DeFi liquidity platform where everyone is a market maker. The main purpose is to address issues such as low liquidity, low DEX efficiency, and difficulty for traditional institutions to access DeFi. And currently, it has integrated over 30 exchanges and has also received endorsement from institutions such as BlackRock, and has also promoted the stablecoin DEUSD. The pool for this launch is divided into BGB pool and DEUSD pool. Brothers who previously held BGB can directly hedge against BGB pool. The maximum lock up limit is 5000GBG (VIP30000BGB), and the maximum lock up limit for EDUSD pool is 100000USD. And the current APR is as high as 75%, and when I first started participating last night, it was as high as 110% APR Brothers can participate, the time is only three days from March 7th to March 10th! Don't miss the opportunity and don't come again. Organize your idle funds for financial management! Bitget Brothers without Bitget exchange portal: https://partner. (bitgetapps.com)/bg/HKMJGB
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