Odin.fun developer: User funds are safe, code error leads to user balance not matching actual deposit amount

律动BlockBeats|Mar 07, 2025 07:22
BlockBeats News: On March 7th, Odin.fun developer Bob Bodily posted a detailed response on social media regarding this FUD, as follows:
Odin.fun was not attacked, as there was an error in the platform's deposit synchronization code that resulted in some users having balances greater than their deposit balances. That's why no one can find 74 BTC deposit transactions on the chain. As of approximately 12 hours ago, everything has been fixed (checking the balance of 74 BTC users, it has returned to normal). All user funds are secure. No users have suffered any direct losses due to this bug.
At present, the team is improving the Odin.fun front-end, including deposit and withdrawal status (pending, confirmed, deposited) and links to the browser, so that users can track the trail of funds (fully decentralized and on chain).
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