Bill The Investor|Mar 04, 2025 22:00
Compare the extremely high telecommunications costs in Canada caused by strict telecommunications protection:
The telecommunications costs in Canada are generally higher than those in the United States. According to a study by the University of Ottawa, Canada has the highest mobile phone costs among the G7 countries. For example, a package that includes 450 minutes of calls and 300 text messages costs an average of $48.77 per month in Canada, compared to $51.64 in the United States. (mengchenghui.com)+2m.(jiemian.com)+1
In addition, Canada's mobile data costs are higher than those in the United States. According to HelloSafe's report, the average price for 1GB of data in Canada is $7.36, while in the United States it is $8.22.
Overall, Canada's telecommunications costs are higher than those in the United States, mainly due to varying levels of market competition. The telecommunications market in Canada is mainly dominated by a few large operators, lacking sufficient competition, resulting in high prices. In contrast, the telecommunications market in the United States is more fiercely competitive, with more operators participating in providing diversified services, resulting in relatively lower prices.
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