Cod3x | Autonomous DeFi Agents|Mar 04, 2025 21:29
Your portfolio is like a building. You're trying to build brick by brick.
An AI Agent is like hiring a contractor to do the labor for you.
But a building is a complex project. Many specialized skills go into making it safe and secure.
Sure, you can hire one guy, give him all the tools, and ask him to draw the blueprints, get the permits, and do all the work. But no matter how smart he is, he will probably do a lousy job.
It's the same with AI Agents.
If you give them too many tools and a task that is too complex, they can make mistakes. What you need is specialization—a team.
That's where Cod3x Create's plugins come in. Equip your agents with the precise tools they need to accomplish their goals and they will not disappoint.
Want to monitor a wallet and copy trades? Equip one of your agents with the deBank plugin and have it pass off its findings to your agent, who is equipped with the position management tool.
Has that particular wallet entered a vault? Have your agent use the vault plugin toolkit to assess the vault's safety and deposit!
Plugins give your portfolio a flexible team of AI Agents that can tackle nearly any task.
With more plugins being added every week and custom plugins on the way, the only limit to what you can accomplish is your imagination.
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