Adam Cochran (adamscochran.eth)|Mar 04, 2025 16:36
Canada in the past has suggested two escalations here:
1) No cross Canada transit from Alaska, or from New England to Western US.
2) Ending the Canada-US Joint Action Plan on Critical Minerals
That plan gives the US first right of refusal at reduced cost, to 23 key minerals that the US does not have, lacks other suppliers for, and needs for the US economy.
Basically in 2020, the US audited “what resources can we not live without” and gave Canada a request list. Because of this deal nearly every US supply line for these minerals switched to Canada as the sole provider.
It’s the minerals required to refine US oil, to fertilizer crops, to make chips, to manage nuclear facilities, and more than 100 other critical functions.
That agreement can only be ended if Canada is under security threat, coercion, or if another bilateral trade agreement such as USMCA is violated (which Trump placing the tariffs did)
Ending that agreement would be a massive blow to the US and a huge escalation.
And alarmingly it’s an agreement that Trump probably doesn’t understand the nuanced importance of.
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