庞教主|Mar 04, 2025 14:10
One of the core reasons why I personally use Bitget is for its financial management. Its mainstream asset single currency financial management activities are indeed on the high side. When the market is not good, this is a good user asset precipitation strategy for CEX. First, attract funds, and when the market is good, actively launch coins to activate trading volume
Bitget's financial management is also the most diversified, in addition to LaunchPool, there are also PoolX CandyBomb, For example, this AB event includes PoolX CandyBomb
PoolX is a high-frequency mining platform with higher returns than wealth management. CandyBomb offers various recharge, trading, and invitation activities. If you happen to have these assets, you can invest in them
Suggest Bitget to separate these functions into separate sections, otherwise it's easy to get confused
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