The BitBoy|Mar 04, 2025 07:59
As it also turns out, my mod Karen Sweigert is also in on it. She was the one who put me on to Crypto Jon - WHO IS ALSO PART OF IT - in order to pump coins through my channel. It seemed natural - a mod found a guy who makes great calls. But it was much more diabolical than that.
What you guys are missing is Karen lives next door to Mick Mulvaney. Who was also involved. My entire bill/lobbying effort was orchestrated to get me out of the building more with purpose so Andrew Gordon could extort and steal from people.
This goes all the way up to Washington - no lie.
Is Jack Murphy from the CFTC involved? Pretty weird. Just two days ago, all of a sudden Jack changed his tone in an email to my lawyer. Seems like the entire CFTC probe was a set up to nail me through Mark Ufford's connections.
I'm calling on an investigation into Jack Murphy and his connections to George Koenig, Andrew Gordon, & Mark Ufford.
Someone please get this to @realDonaldTrump before they kill me.
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