Autism Capital 🧩|Feb 28, 2025 22:42
🚨JOE ROGAN: "The whole memecoin thing is bananas. It's bananas that people dump real money into these coins.
ELON MUSK: It's like a casino. It's the greater fool theory. Like musical chairs. Whoever is the last to sit down loses.
JOE ROGAN: "And somehow its still legal."
ELON MUSK: "If you expect to win at memecoins you're being a fool. You're not going to win at memecoins. Don't sink your life savings into memecoins. Don't bet the farm on a memecoin." 😂
We're 100% convinced that Joe wants nothing more than to launch a memecoin with every fiber of his being and he lives in a constant state of uncomfortable cognitive dissonance about having the ability to, but choosing not to, but really REALLY wanting to.
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