Zach Rynes | CLG
Zach Rynes | CLG|Feb 15, 2025 00:25
Memecoin cycles went from lasting months to weeks to days to now not even an hour Every time a memecoin is created, a timer starts and it becomes a game of chicken: who can stay in the coin the longest but exit just before the floor drops out The natural result is that with each consecutive memecoin cycle, people exit just a little bit earlier than before, shortening the game of chicken The natural end state is the memecoin cycle lasts only for a block or two, and is only playable by bots, but what’s the fun in that? This is not only a zero sum game, it’s actually a negative sum game when you consider the LP/platform fees and value extraction via MEV/snipers/insiders (hundreds of million of dollars per year per category of value extractor) The average degen is ever so slowly (or quickly) getting money taken from them, but they accept this risk, because of the small off-chance they actually somehow win the game of chicken The game is completely different for celebrities who launch the coins and print free money, and for the immoral CT influencers who can use their followers as predictable exit liquidity Seems unsustainable, but then again, we’ve seen worse in cycles past Welcome to crypto in 2025, the future of finance right? Ready to move past this phase
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