Crypto-常山赵子龙|Feb 10, 2025 03:47
BTC ETH The current interest rate for depositing U on Binance Exchange has dropped to 2%, while the current interest rate for depositing U on Kraken Exchange is 4.25%, which is the same as the current interest rate for USD cash; Binance's explanation for the deposit and demand interest rate is that this rate is generated by leveraged lending users and does not correspond to US dollar assets like Kraken does; So it can be inferred that the current sentiment of on-site traders is very negative, with much more lending funds in Binance than borrowing funds, resulting in the current interest rate of Binance's on-site U being significantly lower than the deposit interest rate of US dollar assets themselves; Summary: 1: At present, the mood of on-site traders is low. Once FOMO and panic emotions are formed, they cannot be recovered in a short period of time and need time to digest; 2: If you currently have a certain amount of U assets and are not considering trading for the time being, you can mention the Kraken exchange;
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