请叫我 MaiK 🦇🔊
请叫我 MaiK 🦇🔊|Feb 10, 2025 01:26
At least completed the first two zero cost reward tasks Exclusive 28th Cryptopedia Exclusive Event OKX Wallet Alliance @ soon_svm Total Reward of $500000 in Tokens ($25 million financing has not yet been issued) Event page: https://www. (ok(x.com))/ul/spp8NNu One Polyquest (50000 U and 50 PolyXP rewards per person) -Follow @ PolyquestSOL -Login, connect to OKX wallet, and bind email address https://soon.polyquest.xyz/ II AeroNyx (reward 50000 U and 1K AeroNyx per person) -Follow @ AeroNyxNetwork -Complete the staking of test network tokens After connecting the wallet, click on the top middle button to claim the test coin SNYX, and then select the node for staking. The test coin can be claimed every 2 hours https://app.aeronyx.network/dashboard III SOON (reward 100000 AmericaOON tokens) -Follow @ soon_svm -Cross chain any asset worth at least 20U from the Ethereum network to the SOON network using an official bridge https://bridge.mainnet.soo.network/home 4 CobaltX (reward 50000 U and 100000 Cobalt points) -Follow @ (cobaltx. io) -Exchange task Complete the exchange of at least 10U worth of any token https://(cobaltx.io)/swap/ Five InterSOON (reward 50000 U) -Like and forward the following announcement https://(x.com)/soon_svm/status/1882760148726518175 -Use InterSOON to cross chain any asset with a value of over 10U through a single transaction https://intersoon.soo.network/ VI Portal Finance (reward 50000 U and 80000 Portal Keys) -Follow @ PortalFinance_ -Deposit at least 10U of assets on Portal Finance https://portal- (finance.io)/lend-borrow 7 CoindPay (reward 50000 U and 100 SCP per person) -Follow @ CoindPay -Complete a transfer and receive payment Create a CoindPay Payments payment link and receive an asset of at least 5U on the SOON main website https://coindpay.xyz/pay/link/
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