Theta (THETA) is a blockchain powered network purpose-built for video streaming. Launched in March 2019, the Theta mainnet operates as a decentralized network in which users share bandwidth and computing resources on a peer-to-peer (P2P) basis. The project is advised by Steve Chen, co-founder of YouTube and Justin Kan, co-founder of Twitch.Theta features its own native cryptocurrency token, THETA, which performs various governance tasks within the network, and counts Google, Binance, Blockchain ventures, Gumi, Sony Europe and Samsung as Enterprise validators, along with a Guardian network of thousands of community-run guardian nodes.Developers say that the project aims to shake up the video streaming industry in its current form — centralization, poor infrastructure and high costs mean that end users often end up with a poor experience. Content creators likewise earn less revenue due to the barriers between them and end users.The Theta team has created a customer-centric business plan for their growing ecosystem of services focused on esports, music, TV, movies, and education. The list of Theta Network partners includes video platforms like Samsung VR, Cinedigm, Shout! Factory,, Play Labs, and

2023年 | ①完成 EdgeStore 生产版本。②完成用于编码、存储和中继的分散式 Theta Video API。③完成边缘流、存储和计算新用例。 | |
2022年Q4 | ①发布 EdgeStore 测试版。②测试网目标启动 Metachain。③Metachain 和 SDK 的主网 4.0 目标版本。 | |
2022年Q3 | ①上线 EdgeStore Alpha 网关。②完成 Theta 视频 API 高级分析。③上线 Theta Video API 直播支持(测试版)。 | |
2022年Q2 | ①完成视频点播 (VoD) 的精英边缘节点编码。②公布基于 NFT 的数字版权管理 (DRM)。③启动TDROP 去中心化治理。 | |
2020年下半年 | ①Theta主网支持图灵完备的智能合约;②边缘存储例程产品正式发布;③直播视频编码协议Beta版本发布 | |
2020-12-11 | Theta Network的网络升级 | |
2020年Q2 | ①Theta网络开始支持任意格式文件的分布式存储,包括游戏更新包,APP应用,操作系统更新等;②扩展Theta协议以支持智能电视,IoT设备等 | |
2020-05-28 | Theta 主网 2.0 上线 | |
2020年Q1 | ①Theta主网2.0多级BFT共识启动,更多企业级验证者补充加入网络;②守护者推理者Theta主网2.0上运行;③Theta流媒体协议全面支持视频点播(VoD)及分布式存储 | |
2019年Q4 | ①测试网守护程序遴选及启动;②边缘存储二进制Beta改进;③THETA.tv支持并发视频点播(VoD);④Theta浏览器新版本-更多统计数据,可视化,及staking信息 |
Name | Position |
Mitch Liu | 联合创始人&CEO |
Jieyi Long | 联合创始人&CTO |
# | Address | Rest(BTC) | 7D Change(BTC) |