Tezos is a decentralized blockchain that manages itself by establishing a true digital federation to simplify formal verification. This technology mathematically guarantees the accuracy of transaction codes and improves the security of smart contracts. Tezos is a universal and self-evolving encrypted digital ledger. The biggest advantage of Tezos is that it can absorb any good aspect of the blockchain-based ledger. It implements various operations on the conventional blockchain in the form of pure functional modules. Use these operations to process network layer tasks through the shell. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cryptonote, etc. can all be implemented in Tezos through the network layer interface, and then characterized.

2022-08-31 | Tezos India与IndiGG合作促进Web3游戏的采用 | |
2022-08-18 | Tezblock与TzKT合作 | |
2022年6月 | 引入了事务优化汇总 (TORU),这是一项对神圣汇总的实验,可提高吞吐量、降低费用并显着提高长期可扩展性。引入了对票据和树苗的改进,改进了网络隐私功能并增加了 Tezos 代币的去中心化。 | |
2020-07-01 | Bolt Labs启动了一个将 zkChannels引入Tezos协议的项目, zkChannels是Tezos上的隐私保护状态通道,可促进廉价和匿名交易。 | |
2020-06-15 | 郁金香工具(Tulip Tools)发布了最新版本的Tplus,该工具可自动化并帮助用户管理Tezos开发的环境(沙盒和公共节点)。 | |
2020-04-08 | 瑞士比特币协会在Tezos上推出了tzBTC,即包裹式比特币(BTC)一个tzBTC代表一个BTC,它由一组分布式密钥持有者和一个独立的第三方审核员俩确保。 | |
2019-05-30 | 【主网完成升级】Tezos成功完成主网升级,激活了“雅典A”提案,实现了通过链上投票进行公链升级。激活了“雅典A”提案的Tezos公链调高了区块的计算限制,允许更大的交易吞吐量,并且将区块创建过程中质押者“烘焙师”随机获得的1万XTZ减至8千。“雅典A”提案由开发团队Nomadic Labs提出。 |
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