Ocean draws on the advantages of various systems such as Bitcoin, Ripple Coin, Bitstock, Ethereum, and Super Ledger, integrating multiple innovative technologies to form a brand new blockchain network architecture. On the one hand, the performance of the public chain can exceed 10000 transactions per second, and on the other hand, the public chain and license chain can achieve information interconnection and value exchange. Ocean's multiple innovative points include: modular features of blockchain architecture, multi scenario service modules, support for EVM, ASM, and JSVM virtual machines, SPOS, random number support, free traffic quota generated by holding coins, mobile private key hardware management scheme, encrypted retrieval scheme, data comparison and consensus method, login verification and privacy protection, cross chain identity authentication and management of public chain license chain.

2020-08-21 | 宣布海洋协议令牌交换,以2400 SGT / 1800 CET / 1200 ET执行ERC20到ERC20令牌交换 | |
2020-05-26 | 海洋协议,一种用于为AI解锁数据的去中心化数据交换协议,宣布发布Compute-to-Data,该功能可在保护隐私的同时共享,购买和出售数据 | |
2019年07月 | ①海洋协议v1.0:宣布太平洋网络启动;②Commons Marketplace更新;③IPFS集成用于分散式资产文件托管 | |
2019年03月 | Nile Beta Network部署了SEA,访问控制和元数据存储;Commons Marketplace;数据科学层 | |
2018年12月 | 开发和记录海洋网络组件;部署了三叶虫测试网络;建立全球社区:130多个活动,35个以上的顾问,120多个大使,15个以上的赏金;合作与合作:MOBI Grand Challenge,Fitchain | |
2018年03月 | Ocean Token发布前分发;激活社区;巩固和建立团队;合作伙伴关系和合作:IBM Watson AI XPRIZE | |
2018年02月 | 技术白皮书;商业白皮书 | |
2017年11月 | 海洋令牌种子分布;技术入门;市场框架 |
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