The IOTA was released in November 2015 and its main focus is on Internet-of-Things, especially in smart cities, infrastructure and smart grids, supply chains, transportation and mobility. In addition, IOTA can be the backbone of any P2P transaction settlement, such as online payments or even remittances. Its current main functions are micropayments with no fees and secure data transfer and data anchoring, with good scalability and partition fault tolerance. The total supply is about 2,780 trillion (the exact number is (3 ^ 33-1) / 2 = 2,779, 530, 283, 277, 761), and they are all created in the initial block, without the new coins being mined. Because the supply is so large, the price is very small, so the transaction is in millions of IOTA, ie MIOTA.IOTA is a new type of digital cryptocurrency based on a directed five-ring graph rather than a blockchain, focusing on solving the transaction problem between machine and machine (M2M), which is the IoT problem of the Internet of Things. A blueprint for the future machine economy is built by realizing the payment of no transaction fees between machines and machines. IOTA provides efficient, secure, lightweight, real-time micro-transactions without incurring transaction costs. It is an open source, decentralized digital cryptocurrency designed specifically for the Internet of Things. It is a real-time micro-transaction and can be easily and easily extended.

2020年07月 | 发布IOTA 2.0的第一个测试网版本Pollen。 | |
2020年06月30日 | IOTA发布花粉发布了首个完全去中心化网络的测试网。 | |
2020年06月05日 | OITA1.5首次升级后,IOTA网络速度提高了20倍 | |
2020年02月11日 | IOTA和Eclipse Foundation启动工作组,宣布成立TangleEE工作组(WG),以开发分布式账本技术的商业应用程序。 | |
2019年09月19日 | IOTA宣布启动“工业市场”。 | |
2019年07月02日 | IOTA宣布推出钱包Trinity。 | |
2018年01月 | IOTA基金会全面回应麻省理工团队质疑 安全漏洞已离线;黑客入侵IOTA钱包种子生成网站 盗走400万美元。 | |
2017年12月 | IOTA基金会宣布,博世集团已经购买了大量的IOTA代币,大力投资IOTA基金会,帮助IOTA基金会实现区块链技术产业化。 | |
2017年11月 | IOTA基金会宣布与微软、三星、思科等20余家全球知名企业合作,推出面向物联网行业的“数据市场(data marketplace)”。 | |
2017年10月01日 | 发布白皮书;同月,Sirin实验室将推出世界首款基于区块链(IOTA)的智能手机。 | |
2017年7月23日 | IOTA正式发行。 | |
2014年-2015年 | IOTA项目诞生于2014年,2015年正式启动后,现有由在德国注册的非政府组织IOTA基金会领导,旨在为物联网(IoT)设计一个新兴交易结算和数据转移层。 |
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