Filecoin is a decentralized storage system that aims to “store humanity’s most important information.” The project raised $205 million in an initial coin offering (ICO) in 2017, and initially planned a launch date for mid-2019. However, the launch date for the Filecoin mainnet was pushed back until block 148,888, which is expected in mid-October 2020.The project was first described back in 2014 as an incentive layer for the Interplanetary File System (IPFS), a peer-to-peer storage network where users pay for data storage and distribution services in $FIL. Filecoin is open protocol and backed by a blockchain that records commitments made by the network’s participants, with transactions made using FIL, the blockchain’s native currency. The blockchain is based on both proof-of-replication and proof-of-spacetime.Filecoin is open-source and decentralized, which means that all governance is in the hands of the community. On the Filecoin platform, developers have the opportunity to create cloud file storage services like Dropbox or iCloud. Anyone can join Filecoin and start storing their data or earn money by providing space for someone else's funds. The creators of Filecoin opted for their blockchain technology to run the network and their token with their own consensus.$FIL is the native currency of Filecoin that powers the entire network and all processes. Clients pay for transactions in FIL tokens. Miners place FIL as collateral, guaranteeing their services.The developers claim that Filecoin solves the problem of inefficient file storage and retrieval. Customers can find the right solution with an efficient set of tools and its core development, IPFS.

2023年3月14日 | Filecoin虚拟机(FVM)在 Filecoin 主网上启动。 | |
2021-10-15 | Filecoin将于2021年10月15日进行第二次减产 | |
2020-10-24 | Filecoin发布lotus 1.1.1版本 | |
2020-10-15 | Filecoin主线网上线 | |
2020-09-23 | Filecoin第二轮太空竞赛启动 | |
2020-08-25 | Filecoin 测试奖励计划正式启动 | |
2020-08-12 | Filecoin官方宣布最迟8月12日将启动大矿工测试 | |
2020-08-03 | Filecoin激励测试网启动 | |
2020-06-10 | Filecoin官方发布Filecoin测试网的大矿工奖励计划细则和硬件建议 | |
2020-05-29 | Filecoin官方组织第二届矿工大会 | |
2020-05-15 | 启动Filecoin测试网第二阶段 | |
2020-05-08 | Filecoin官方推出新项目Filecoin Discover | |
2020-04-25 | Filecoin经济模型正式发布 | |
2020-04-07 | Filecoin官方区块浏览器filscan中文版上线 | |
2020-04-03 | Filecoin官方宣布宣布go-filecoin和lotus正式完成互操作 | |
2020-03-10 | Filecoin官方启动test3 | |
2020-01-19 | 由IPFS原力区开发的官方Filecoin区块浏览器上线 | |
2020-01-14 | Filecoin测试网重置 | |
2019-12-12 | Filecoin全球公测如期上线 | |
2019-10-16 | Filecoin团队开放第一个备用Filecoin网络Lotus上线 | |
2019-09-25 | Filecoin团队宣布go-filecoin alphanet,go-filecoin版本0.5.6正式上线 | |
2019-07-12 | Filecoin官方团队首次中国行 | |
2019-02-15 | Filecoin代码开源,go-filecoin上线 | |
2017-08-11 | Filecoin项目ICO一小时融资2亿美元,成为当年最大ICO | |
2017年07月 | IPFS团队宣布成立Filecoin项目 |
# | Address | Rest(BTC) | 7D Change(BTC) |