The sacred book "Walden" gifted by a friend.

2 days ago

A friend gifted me the profound book "Walden," and I finished it in three mornings, feeling a sense of calm. One of Thoreau's points that impressed me the most is:

To explore and seek better ways of living through conducting life experiments.

We are too easily trapped in a routine, unconsciously forming rigid thinking and paths, following inertia, going along with the crowd, and walking down an unappealing old road;

At the same time, we keep telling our numb selves, "I have no other way," shutting out other exciting possibilities.

But the most wonderful thing is that as humans, we possess an undeniable ability—to change our way of life through conscious effort.

For example, going to bed early and waking up early, running for exercise, controlling our diet, changing career paths, connecting with people from different circles, or trying more unknown fields…

Approach all life experiments with an experimental attitude; there’s no need to feel that it must be done this way.

If you like it, continue; if you don’t, stop, change, and try again. Don’t get trapped in so-called universal values.

Know yourself through experimentation; everyone can find their own Walden, even if it’s just a small change, the energy you gain could be unparalleled.

Most importantly, as long as you know where you want to go, you will definitely find a way to get there!

It truly is a good book; I recommend everyone read the translated version by Li Jihong, which offers an excellent immersive experience!


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