The Russia-Ukraine war has nothing to do with me, a citizen of this wall country, at all.

10 hours ago

Regarding the Russia-Ukraine war, it has nothing to do with me, a citizen of the wall country, but there are always some uninformed people shouting under my posts, so I have to say a few words:

  1. First, regarding who struck first, the public strongly reflects that the Russia-Ukraine conflict was initiated by Russia. However, striking first does not mean it is unjust. The Sino-Vietnamese War and the Sino-Indian War were both initiated by China, and China invaded the territory of the other side. People, can you say that China launched an invasion war?

  2. Regarding Ukraine joining NATO, the non-expansion of NATO was a condition for the Soviet Union's withdrawal from East Germany. If the Soviet Union had not withdrawn from East Germany, what could NATO have done? Some say there was no written agreement, but since you are so righteous, can you acknowledge the facts? There are recordings and videos:

James Baker's promise: On February 9, 1990, U.S. Secretary of State James Baker stated during talks with Gorbachev that if the Soviet Union agreed to German reunification and remained in NATO, NATO's "jurisdiction would not move one inch eastward." This was recorded in a memorandum at the time.

West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher and British Prime Minister John Major also expressed to Soviet officials on different occasions that NATO would not expand further east!


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