Reflections on Marxism:

2 days ago

Reflections on Marxism:

The economic and political theory system of Marxism mainly analyzes the inherent contradictions of capitalist society and proposes a path to social change through class struggle, ultimately establishing a classless communist society.

  1. Historical Materialism

Marxism holds that the development of human society is determined by the mode of material production, meaning that the economic base determines the superstructure (law, politics, culture, etc.). Social history is viewed as a process of class struggle, with different modes of production (such as feudalism and capitalism) corresponding to different class relations.

Reflection: The development of human society in any stage and region is determined by religion; social history should be seen as a process of struggle between religion and ideology.

  1. Critique of Capitalism

Marx analyzed the operational mechanisms of capitalism, particularly how capitalists (the bourgeoisie) accumulate wealth by exploiting workers (the proletariat) through surplus value. He believed that capitalism inevitably leads to wealth disparity, economic crises, and class antagonism, ultimately collapsing due to internal contradictions.

Reflection: Marx only saw capitalists making money and did not see capitalists going bankrupt and jumping off buildings. If capitalists do not accumulate wealth, they cannot expand production scale, create more jobs, or develop costly technological research.

  1. Class Struggle

Marxism emphasizes that the driving force for social change comes from the struggle between classes. In capitalist society, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie are the main opposing forces. Marx advocated for the proletariat to overthrow the bourgeoisie through revolution and establish a "dictatorship of the proletariat."

Reflection: In any era or country, the proletariat can never become the rulers; the so-called "dictatorship of the proletariat" is actually the "dictatorship of all production belonging to the party."

  1. Goals of Communism

The ultimate goal is to achieve a communist society, which is a society without private ownership, class distinctions, and where everyone is equal. In such a society, the means of production are collectively owned, and distribution according to need replaces market exchange.

Reflection: Selfishness is human nature, it is in our genes, and selfishness is also the driving force for human progress. Human needs are infinite, and it is impossible to distribute according to individual needs at any time; distribution according to need is not feasible!

  1. Dialectics

Marxism employs dialectics (originating from Hegel but modified) to explain social change, believing that contradictions are the driving force of development. For example, the contradictions within capitalism (such as labor-capital conflicts) will push it towards socialism.

Reflection: There is still a significant difference between dialectics and Wang Yangming's philosophy of the mind.


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