The EU's situation can only rely on bringing in the East, even though in the long run, everyone is a competitor, because there are only a few businesses to engage in in this world:
1/ Selling resources
2/ Manufacturing and selling labor and knowledge (manufacturing requires knowledge)
3/ Selling currency, selling stories (luxury goods)
Russia only knows how to sell resources and is clueless about everything else.
Europe is about manufacturing and luxury goods, with luxury goods accounting for a very small proportion, and manufacturing is shrinking.
The United States sells everything: resources + manufacturing + currency…
For Europe, the most important crisis right now is the dissolution of the EU, and a significant factor leading to the dissolution of the EU is further economic decline - so the tariffs imposed by the Americans will drive this outcome: economic decline > rise of the right > disintegration of the EU.
But the European left is limited to ideological narratives, just like the Red Guards back in the day who sang revolutionary songs every day; if you ask them to sing "In the Midst of the Storm" at karaoke, they wouldn't be able to do it.
So the conclusion is: Europe is still doomed, and the East shouldn't expect help from others; everything has to rely on itself. When a whale falls, all things thrive; figuring out how to gain the most benefits during the process of the EU's disintegration is what truly matters.