Uniswap Foundation votes on a massive $165.5m USD funding.
Uniswap v4 and Unichain launch is underwhelming.
In more than a month:
• Uni v4 TVL barely at $85M
• Unichain TVL just $8.2M
To boost growth, UF's proposed $165.5m funding will be split:
• $95.4M for grants (developer programs, Core Contributors, Validators).
• $25.1M for operations (team expansion, governance tooling).
• $45M for liquidity incentives
You see, Uni v4 isn't just a DEX: it's a liquidity platform and Hooks are apps built on it.
Hooks should drive growth for Uni v4 so grants are needed to jumpstart the process.
Detailed breakdown on Grants budget:
$45M in LP incentives will be used for:
• $24M over 6 months to incentivize migrating liquidity to Uni v4
• $21M for 3 months to grow Unichain TVL from current $8.2m to $750m
In perspective Aerodrome mints $40-$50M AERO monthly for LP incentives.
Proposals passed TEMP CHECK but not without criticism:
In a shifting era where Aave proposes buying back $1M of $AAVE per week and Maker $30/month buy backs, $UNI holders are a milking cow with now value accrual to the token.
UNI has no fee switch while Uniswap Labs generated $171M USD in front-end fees in 2 years.
It all comes down to how Uniswap organizations are structured:
• Uniswap Labs focuses on technical protocol development
• Uniswap Foundation drives ecosystem growth, governance, and funding initiatives (e.g., grants, liquidity incentives)
Smart lawyers.
Aave and Maker have a more aligned relationship with token holders, and I don't see why front-end fees couldn't be shared with $UNI holders.
Anyway, other criticisms focus on high salaries for the core team, Gauntlet being in charge of liquidity incentive implementation, and establishing a new centralized DAO legal structure (DUNA).
I'm a small Uniswap delegate and voted YES but with big concerns for the $UNI holders' future.
Incentives are not aligned with the holders.
Yet, I'm a big fan of Uniswap and its driving role in DeFi. Uni v4 & Unichain growth is abysmal. They need incentives for growth.
The next Uni DAO vote should be on UNI value accrual. If you agree, consider delegating $UNI to me:
Note: You can use same address to delegate $OP, $AAVE and $LDO
