PA Illustration | A visual understanding of the birth of Bitcoin and the 50-year history of the cypherpunk movement. This image should be remembered. From: @PANewsCN Many people believe that the birth of Bitcoin was a sudden creation by Satoshi Nakamoto due to the financial crisis.

1 day ago

PA Diagram | Understand the Birth of Bitcoin and the 50-Year History of the Cypherpunk Movement in One Image

This image should be remembered. Source: @PANewsCN

Many people believe that Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto as a new thing born out of the financial crisis, but if you have read the Bitcoin white paper and Satoshi's early posts on forums, you would know that Bitcoin actually has years of technological and ideological accumulation from the cypherpunk movement.

From cryptography to decentralized consensus, core concepts such as public key identity and proof of work laid its foundation. Satoshi's white paper is not only the starting point of electronic cash but also continues the pursuit of privacy and freedom.

The birth of Bitcoin is not a coincidence, but rather the result of decades of technological and ideological accumulation from the cypherpunk movement.

From the foundations of cryptography to the concept of anonymous electronic cash, and then to the practice of decentralized consensus mechanisms, a series of key breakthroughs paved the way for Bitcoin.

Core concepts such as public key identity, Byzantine fault tolerance, proof of work, and smart contracts have shaped the foundation of a decentralized financial system.

Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin white paper not only marks the birth of peer-to-peer electronic cash but also continues the cypherpunk pursuit of privacy, freedom, and resistance to censorship.


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