The huge internet market has cultivated a massive number of software engineers.
A massive number of software engineers are working on the software part of electric vehicles…
This is what I've been saying about the advantage of scale.
Having a common language is still very important.
The strength of the United States is greatly related to its 300 million middle-class population + 75 million native English speakers overseas + 1.1 billion non-native but English-speaking individuals.
Why can't the UK utilize these English speakers? Why can't Australia utilize them? This is a comprehensive example.
Talents from the UK (the author of Harry Potter), talents from Australia (??), talents from South Africa (Elon Musk), and talents from Canada (Jim Carrey) have all moved to the United States.
An analogy is that most 985 graduates from Hebei have moved to Beijing, which is a form of siphoning.
Therefore, for China to develop in the future, promoting the Chinese language is also crucial. As more and more people around the world learn Chinese, it will become easier for China to attract top talent, whether they are top-tier or not.
Currently, China still relies on a large base of local talent, but in the future, it will inevitably need to attract global talent. Let's start with Xiaohongshu; Xiaohongshu could add a language learning channel. 😂