Japan was mainly funded by the Jewish financier Schiff during the Russo-Japanese War.
During Japan's invasion of China, until the Pearl Harbor incident in 1941, Japan was primarily funded by the United States. It can almost be said that Japan's invasion of China was a proxy war for the United States against China.
Why did Japan launch the Pearl Harbor attack and declare war on the United States? Because Japan had no resources of its own and relied entirely on imports. In 1941, the United States cut off Japan's oil imports. If Japan's military machine wanted to continue operating, it had no choice but to attack British colonies like the Philippines and Indonesia, which had oil resources, while the United States was nominally an ally of Britain at that time.
Why did the United States cut off Japan's oil? Because Japan had no other choice but to attack British colonies… and then the United States would drive the Japanese out. Whose colonies would they be then?
So, do you understand this situation? Japan has always been under the control of the United States…
Why did the United States choose Japan as its enforcer? Because Japan had already undergone parliamentary reforms during the Meiji Restoration; as long as it was a parliamentary system, it would be a tool of capital.
A bunch of fools are still fantasizing about Japan being the world's second power, but it is merely a puppet of the United States.