⚡️I want to share a recent mindset that has significantly improved my efficiency in the crypto space by at least 50%—
Learn to use weakened language to alleviate the pressure of procrastination.
For example, change "I want to write" to "Let’s just browse Twitter",
Change "I want to run" to "Let’s just move around a bit",
Change "I want to make ten times my investment" to "Let’s just interact and see what opportunities are out there," and so on.
By using this method of linguistic weakening, it helps to remove a lot of the pressure of "must," making it easier to start tasks.
For instance, I had been saying since last week that I needed to finish a research report, which was very cumbersome. I procrastinated for two days and still didn’t want to start, but I learned to tell myself using the weakened language method, "Let’s just see how to do it, no need to finish it right now."
Unexpectedly, after starting to interact, I was flooded with inspiration in just five minutes, and within an hour, I completed the task that I had been putting off for two days!
The reason why weakened language can alleviate procrastination pressure is that words carry psychological weight. More formal vocabulary is often associated with pressure, social evaluation, and success or failure, which can feel very tense. In contrast, more relaxed vocabulary can significantly reduce that pressure.
In other words, the same task can become much easier just by changing the way we phrase it. For example, we can similarly change:
"I don’t want to research the project" to "Let’s just get a simple understanding"
"Can this project make money?" to "Interacting won’t cost much"
"Will I miss out on profits if I sell?" to "If I take profits, I can definitely secure my gains."
Using the minimal action directive method to gently encourage myself to start, I can weaken my resistance to beginning, and as I work on the task, it naturally gets done.
If you think about it, to some extent, this is similar to the effortless habit formation method described in "Mini Habits"—
By taking micro-steps, starting with one "incredibly small step" at a time, then combining that small step with something you want to do = a higher likelihood of taking further action.
Many times, we delay starting a task not because the task itself is particularly difficult, but due to fear and laziness. Fear of imagined difficulties, fear of outcomes that have not yet occurred.
However, as long as we adjust our mindset, break down our goals into simple, specific small tasks, and start with the tiniest actions, the subsequent tasks can naturally progress step by step until resolved.
This mindset is particularly effective for retail investors with limited funds who want to actively seek opportunities. First, motivate yourself to research and interact, then observe trends, and decide whether to make a significant investment. This way, efficiency and success rates will greatly improve!