Bears & macro Doomers don't want you to know about this

14 days ago

Bears & macro Doomers don't want you to know about this.

The majority of part-time workers do so voluntarily.

They simultaneously take care of a dependent.

They are simultaneously getting their degree.

They have health limitations.

So it's important, if not vital, to look at part-time workers as a result of economic factors...

This datapoint provides context about how economic conditions are forcing people to work part-time (ie companies are struggling so they aren't hiring full-time workers). Another example would be that prices are too high and people are having to work multiple part-time jobs in order to supplement a full income.

When we look at this cohort, part-time workers for economic reasons is at the same level it was exactly 3 years ago and has actually been declining for the past 3 nonfarm payroll reports.

This datapoint (and its trend) indicate that there isn't substantial economic hardship driving part-time employment.

In other words...

The labor market continues to be resilient & dynamic.

Just like I've been saying.


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