AICoin (Harmony Version) Download Tutorial

1 month ago

Step 1: Prepare a Windows Computer to Download and Install the Harmony Sideloading Software

  1. First, prepare a Windows computer. On the Windows computer, install the Harmony sideloading software by clicking on the download link (access password: 1990).

(Note: When installing the Harmony sideloading software, please ensure the reliability and security of the software source. Such software is usually developed by third parties and has no association with AICoin.)

  1. After installation, open the software.

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Step 2: Download the HAP Installation Package for AICoin Application

  1. On the Windows computer, download the AICoin HAP installation package by clicking on the download link (it is recommended to save it on the desktop).

  2. Drag the downloaded HAP installation package directly into the opened Harmony sideloading software, or click "Upload" to select the HAP installation package, which will automatically fill in the "Application Package Name" and "Build Method."

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Step 3: Prepare Harmony NEXT Phone/Tablet Device to Enter Developer Mode

  1. Use the Harmony NEXT phone/tablet device to open Developer Mode (set as shown in the image below, continuously click "Software Version" to open Developer Mode, which will restart the device).

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  1. Go to Settings — System — Developer Options, connect the phone and computer with a data cable, and enable "USB Debugging" and "Wireless Debugging."

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  1. Enter the network address and port number of the Harmony NEXT phone/tablet device, e.g., (Note: The phone and computer need to be connected to the same Wi-Fi).

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Step 4: Install AICoin

  1. After successfully entering the network address and port number of the Harmony NEXT phone/tablet device, click "Start Building," and then click "Next."

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  1. A login window for the Huawei account will pop up. Enter your Huawei account to log in (the login is on the official Huawei website, the page is controlled by Huawei, and we will not steal your privacy and data).

  2. Click "Next" until the installation is successful. If the installation is unsuccessful, please contact customer service.

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