What is the core essence of trading in the cryptocurrency world? Let me tell you a harsh truth!

5 hours ago

The essence of trading is not frequent operations and impulsive decisions, but rather a game of waiting. Waiting, a seemingly simple word, contains endless wisdom and power in the world of trading. It is not a passive inaction, but a well-considered strategy, a precise grasp of timing.

First, waiting signifies respect for the market. The market is like a vast and mysterious ocean, filled with countless unknowns and variables. Even the most experienced traders cannot fully predict every market fluctuation. In this case, blindly rushing into the market to seize every seemingly profitable opportunity often leads to disastrous consequences. On the contrary, by waiting, we can better observe market trends, understand its inherent rules, and make wise decisions at the right moment.

Waiting is also a form of self-restraint. In trading, human weaknesses are often magnified. Greed and fear are our greatest enemies. When we see the market rising, greed drives us to chase prices recklessly; when the market falls, fear makes us panic and cut losses. However, truly successful traders know how to control their emotions and overcome these weaknesses through waiting. They are not tempted by short-term gains nor intimidated by temporary losses. They understand that only when their emotions are stable and rational can they make correct trading decisions.

For more market insights and trading opportunities, please add me on QQ: 3003990332 or join my reader group: 912373011.

So, what should we wait for in trading?

  1. We should wait for the right entry timing. This requires us to conduct in-depth analysis and research of the market to find those investment opportunities with potential value. This could be due to local conflicts, black swan events like 319 or 512, or favorable changes in the macroeconomic environment. But merely discovering these opportunities is not enough; we also need to patiently wait for the price to reach a reasonable level. Sometimes, entering too early can lead us into prolonged fluctuations and losses, while waiting allows us to enter the market at a lower cost, thereby increasing the likelihood of profit.

  2. We should wait for trend confirmation. Market trends are often complex and variable, and short-term price fluctuations may lead to misjudgments. Therefore, we need to wait for a clear trend to form. This may take some time, but only after the trend is confirmed can we confidently follow the market direction and achieve greater profits. At the same time, waiting for trend confirmation can help us avoid frequent trading amidst market fluctuations, reducing trading costs and risks.

  3. We should wait for risk release. There are always various risks in the market, such as policy, economic, and geopolitical conflicts. These risk events can lead to significant market fluctuations, causing huge losses for investors. By waiting, we can allow these risk events to fully develop, enabling the market to digest their impacts, thus reducing our investment risks.

In my past experience of searching for entry timing, I was also filled with entanglement and anticipation. As I stared at the constantly changing numbers on the screen, my mind raced through various data and indicators. I knew that this opportunity could arise at any moment or require a long wait. Every slight price fluctuation made my heart race. I was both worried about missing the best entry point and afraid of the risks of acting rashly. "Just wait a little longer, just wait a little longer," I kept telling myself, trying to suppress my inner impulses. I imagined myself decisively entering the market at the right moment and then reaping substantial profits; this expectation filled me with motivation during the waiting process.

However, waiting is not easy. During the waiting process, we face various temptations and pressures. Watching others profit in the market while we can only stand still is undoubtedly a torment. At the same time, prolonged waiting may lead us to doubt and anxiety, worrying that we have missed the opportunity.

To better wait in trading, we need to cultivate some important qualities and abilities.

First is patience. Patience is the foundation of waiting. Without patience, we can easily lose our direction amidst the market's noise and make impulsive decisions. Cultivating patience requires us to learn to control our emotions, not be swayed by short-term fluctuations, and trust our analysis and judgment.

Second is self-discipline. Self-discipline allows us to adhere to our trading plans and principles, unaffected by external distractions. During the waiting process, strictly following stop-loss and take-profit rules ensures that our risks remain within a controllable range.

Furthermore, continuous learning and research are essential. Only by constantly learning and studying the market can we better understand its operating rules, improve our analytical skills, and more accurately judge the timing for waiting.

In summary, the essence of trading is a game of waiting. In this game, those who can better understand the meaning of waiting and master the skills of waiting are more likely to succeed in the market. Let us learn to wait, to act with calmness amidst the chaos, and to move steadily forward in the waves of the financial market, reaping our own wealth and wisdom.

Some may say that waiting will cause us to miss some opportunities. But in the long run, trades made out of impulse and blindness often lead to greater losses. True opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, and waiting is our preparation process.

In the world of trading, waiting is a form of wisdom, a strategy, and a state of being. It allows us to remain calm amidst noise and restlessness, to uphold principles under temptation and pressure. When we learn to wait, we are no longer mere pursuers of the market, but masters of the market.

Let us use waiting as a blade to cut through the shackles of greed and fear; as a shield to withstand the storms and waves of the market. In this long and exciting trading journey, let us write our glorious chapter with waiting.

Finally, I hope every trader can grow in waiting, reap in waiting, truly understand the essence of trading, and become a consistent winner in the financial market.

For more market insights and trading opportunities, please add me on QQ: 3003990332 or join my reader group: 912373011.


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