The capital's slaughter knife has already begun to dance; who is actually profiting from the capital's revelry?

2 days ago

The autumn wind has passed, and winter is approaching; the vast mountains and rivers are looking forward to spring.

The most discussed topic among everyone is whether we are in a bear market or a bull market. In fact, since the recent halving, we have entered a monkey market, with prices fluctuating wildly, washing out both bulls and bears. Most of the brothers trading contracts have been emptied of their pockets during this period, regrettably preparing to leave the market. In my view, this is a true sign that a big opportunity is coming. Whether we will see a repeat of the situations on March 12 or May 19 remains to be seen. Newcomers who are unaware of the history of the crypto world can look it up; retail investors may not have memories, but the internet does.

In the past month or two, many have asked me about going long, particularly regarding the big A. Many friends are just ordinary people. I am quite direct with them; I tell them that I am not pessimistic about the economy, but I am not optimistic about the rule-makers. I believe everyone has seen the ugly tactics of cashing out and exiting the market, so before you enter, think carefully about the challenges you will face. Don’t be all smiles when you make money and then ask about my family when you lose.

However, in front of many relatives, I directly say that I don’t understand. I am in the crypto world, which is too risky for them. I must say this tactic works quite well. Why don’t I give advice to relatives? Because when they make money, they think it’s expected since we are family, but when they lose, they blame you, and the whole family will block your door and scold you.

I digress; let’s continue discussing our matters. What I want to say is that the crypto world is currently in a very sensitive position, just like the big A. Here, I want to mention the anomalies. Hundreds of billions of funds in the contract market have been suppressed from 60,000 all the way up to over 69,500, and the options market also has hundreds of billions of funds suppressing the 70,000 to 80,000 range.

Including ETH, many people criticize it, saying it is weak and powerless like a little girl. I won’t say much about ETH here; it has its own path and is the infrastructure of the crypto world, with its own value. In November, ETH is expected to make a significant move. I am already prepared for it. For specifics, you can add my contact information below:

QQ: 3003811420

Community group chat: 912373011

You might ask me, if everyone is optimistic, doesn’t that mean a big rise is coming? Yes, everyone is optimistic, but this "everyone" does not represent all. Regardless of who it represents, it certainly does not represent the hunters secretly watching retail investors.

There’s another saying! Smart wallets. Some individuals think that tracking the traces of smart wallets will lead them to wealth. Pfft, over 90% of so-called smart wallets are actually promoted by project parties, like Bome and Pepe, etc. That’s not called a smart wallet; it’s just the project party’s white glove! The last time it dropped to over 40,000, the so-called smart wallets were heavily liquidated, and a lot of borrowing was liquidated, forcing many large holders to sell off to pay their debts!

Brothers might be curious; aren’t large holders in cahoots with capital? Here, I need to correct this. In the eyes of capital, large holders are just slightly fatter pigs for slaughter. Moreover, capital institutions are not united either. Although the biggest players in the crypto circle are all on Wall Street, there is no talk of unity. If there were unity on Wall Street, we wouldn’t see so many stars falling and new stars rising, nor would so many banks declare bankruptcy. Of course, the insider story of bank bankruptcies is their own dirty business, but the losses for ordinary people are real losses!

There’s a lot I want to say, but I won’t say too much today. After reading the above content, don’t be pessimistic. It’s not that we don’t have opportunities to make money; there are indeed big ones. Regardless of how the market moves, we have opportunities, as long as we go in the right direction. Some newcomers in the circle shout every day about wanting to defeat the big players and plant their flags on Wall Street… that’s unrealistic. What we need to do is to stay calm, not get overly excited; rational people are the most clear-headed, and only clear-headed people have opportunities. We need to discover clues, notice oddities, and identify unreasonable aspects.

For example, many people are bearish, but through the fees and data, we can see that the real capital is still bullish. Since we’ve discovered this, should we follow? Wrong. According to human nature and past market experiences, the big will be killed while the small will profit again. So timing is very important, just like short dramas that existed over a decade ago but are only now realizing their maximum value.

There’s also some market information that I interpret in real-time, distinguishing between true and false. I will share all of this in the community. Lastly, if you cannot accept my strategy, you don’t have to follow. Also, following me requires compensation; I don’t do it for free, and it’s a bit pricey. Of course, I will first let everyone see my capabilities before you make a choice. This market is not short of miracles, but the premise is to have enough logic and understanding. I am very willing to make friends with interesting people, but please, no fools; I don’t have time to waste with those who only want to gamble and get rich overnight.

I will share the real-time movements of capital giants in the group every day. Friends with similar interests are welcome to discuss together!

QQ: 3003811420

Community group chat: 912373011


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