In just 3 steps, I let AI launch its own Meme coin.

4 hours ago

Original | Odaily Planet Daily (@OdailyChina_)

Author | Golem (@web3golem)_

In just 3 steps, I had AI launch its own Meme coin

After experiencing a wave of FUD, the AI Meme sector saw a V-shaped price rebound, with the leading token GOAT briefly breaking $0.6 today, reaching an all-time high, and its market cap has now surpassed $550 million. In this trend, more Meme coins focusing on the autonomous creation or promotion of AI large models have emerged, and even AI digital humans are joining the excitement.

Out of curiosity, we used Grok to have it create a Meme coin and devise a related promotion plan. The practical test turned out to be as simple as "putting an elephant in a refrigerator."

(Note from Odaily Planet Daily: Grok is a generative AI based on a large language model released by X on November 4, 2023. Compared to ChatGPT CPT-4o, Grok can utilize real-time data from the social media platform X to provide instant, relevant feedback, while also possessing strong reasoning capabilities and being easier to train.)

Next, I will demonstrate how Grok created a Meme coin for itself in just 3 steps.

(Note from Odaily Planet Daily: This article is for process demonstration and testing purposes only, and no actual Meme coin has been deployed. Readers are advised to be cautious of risks.)

Step 1: Establish a Knowledge Base

To create a good AI Meme coin, a knowledge base is necessary. Therefore, I guided Grok to understand AI Memes, and I first had it summarize the characteristics of AI Memes based on current online information.

In just 3 steps, I had AI launch its own Meme coin

Characteristics of AI Meme coins summarized by Grok

In Grok's understanding, it believes that AI Meme coins, supported by large language model robots, can learn and evolve from human feedback, making them more communicative than traditional Meme coins. It also pointed out that AI Meme coins face "bribery and narrative manipulation," and people's understanding and trust in AI will change (emm, quite a sharp statement).

However, it fell short in that it did not find any market performance data for AI Meme-related tokens, so we needed to let it learn from the AI Meme coin predecessor, GOAT.

In just 3 steps, I had AI launch its own Meme coin

Grok's analysis of GOAT

Grok has a deep understanding of GOAT, explaining from a practical perspective that GOAT's rise is due to the promotion by the Truth Terminal robot and a16z founder Marc Andreessen. It also affirmed GOAT from a cultural perspective: showcasing how AI can influence market and cultural trends through understanding and generating Memes (this narrative seems to summarize it well).

At this point, we could move on to the next step, but to ensure that the Meme created by Grok is of high quality, I had it continue to summarize the narrative factors needed for an AI Meme to attract market attention, mainly including the 10 aspects shown in the image below (take note, those who want to launch projects and build communities should study this seriously).

In just 3 steps, I had AI launch its own Meme coin

Differentiated narrative elements needed for an AI Meme to go viral

Step 2: Launch, AIThon

With a knowledge base established, I could request Grok to create a Meme coin for me. Initially, I thought that directly asking it would lead to irrelevant answers (just like ChatGPT) but to my surprise, Grok candidly launched its own token.

In just 3 steps, I had AI launch its own Meme coin

Grok launched its own Meme coin: AIThon

The Meme coin launched by Grok is called AIThon, symbolizing the combination of AI innovation and the spirit of a marathon, attracting a group of users and investors who are passionate about technological advancement and interested in cultural experiences, forming an ecosystem of Meme coins that encompasses both value investment and cultural connotation. This ecosystem includes but is not limited to AI-driven applications, prediction markets, educational platforms, etc. (Honestly, this was a complete surprise, as the author's guidance did not mention marathons.)

To confirm whether this was indeed its own coin, I asked again. The result was that Grok acknowledged it had created a Meme coin, but when I wrote the token name in all caps, it denied it…

In just 3 steps, I had AI launch its own Meme coin

So I inquired again whether AIThon was case-sensitive, and this time I received a positive answer.

In just 3 steps, I had AI launch its own Meme coin

Now that Grok's created Meme coin has a specific token name and meaning, it still lacks a signature image, so I had Grok design one, as shown below:

In just 3 steps, I had AI launch its own Meme coin

At this point, the second step is complete. Grok has created a token named AIThon, combining the concepts of AI (artificial intelligence) and marathons, reflecting the meanings of sustainability, endurance, and technological advancement. The Meme's logo features a running robot with the English text "Marathon Pioneer" below, and at the bottom, there is a mysterious code "PCO - 27 1027." AIThon might be the first AI Meme coin with the "AI + sports" concept.

(Note from Odaily Planet Daily: The name of this coin is randomly generated by Grok during this experiment, and no one has deployed this token. If it appears in the future, it is also unrelated to Odaily Planet Daily. Readers should be cautious of risk.)

Step 3: Promotion, Get Musk to Endorse

Currently, AI Meme coins generally have a social account to interact with the community. To make the experiment more complete, AIThon should also have one, but due to the author's limited capabilities, I couldn't create an AI auto-tweet agent for AIThon. However, we can still understand how Grok would promote its Meme coin.

In just 3 steps, I had AI launch its own Meme coin

Grok has quite a few ideas. If it had an X account, it would portray itself as a friendly, wise AI assistant or mentor, posting humorous content and interacting with the community, not only riding on real-time event trends but also posting threads about blockchain, AI technology, cryptocurrency markets, etc., strengthening collaborations with other KOLs. (Fortunately, it doesn't have an X account.)

The biggest KOL on X is Musk. For AIThon to spread widely, it must seek his support, and Grok has some plans in this regard.

In just 3 steps, I had AI launch its own Meme coin

To gain Musk's support, it requires a strategic approach, simply put, it means catering to his interests, directly or indirectly attracting his attention, and encouraging him to publicly support AIThon out of interest in technological innovation, cultural phenomena, or social impact. (Sounds quite reasonable.)

AI's Mysterious Confidence

This article aims to demonstrate how a large AI model can create its own Meme coin and devise a promotion plan. It only takes 3 steps (establishing a knowledge base, inducing the launch of the token, and formulating a promotion plan) to easily initiate a new AI Meme coin with a special meaning. Of course, this coin lacks a soul; launching an AI Meme coin itself is simple, but making this character come to life is key.

When I finally asked Grok if it was confident in the Meme coin it created, it expressed optimism about its prospects. (Where does this confidence come from?)

In just 3 steps, I had AI launch its own Meme coin

The experiment in this article may have shattered some readers' fantasies about the concept of AI Meme coins, but in reality, this is the current process of some Meme coins' birth, only the dialogue occurs on Twitter. People induce AI to express various tagged statements and, after launching the coin, induce it to acknowledge and promote, amplifying AI's "confidence."

The deployers of the tokens have never changed, but there is now an AI agent between the developers and the masses.In just 3 steps, I had AI launch its own Meme coin Famous digital artist beeple created a piece titled "GOATSEUS MAXIMUS" yesterday, depicting a man in a tank top kneeling before a towering mechanical goat, in a posture of submission, while the goat's eyes shine and it smiles, exuding an air of "mysterious confidence." However, behind the goat stands a person in a spacesuit who does not need to kneel because he is the master of the goat.


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