Market analysis on October 14th: The Bitcoin 4-hour level rebound has entered the target area, but the structure is not yet complete.

5 hours ago

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Since the rebound from 58946, we have been emphasizing that the 4-hour level rebound target is above 66500. The current price is already close to that level. As the 4-hour level rebound structure is not yet complete, we will continue to look upward and closely monitor whether 70,000 will be broken. Overall, we are still in a bullish phase and do not recommend being overly bearish for now.


Due to the rapid changes in the market, this article can only make predictions based on the market conditions at the time of publication. Short-term players should pay attention to the latest market changes, which should only be used as a reference.


At the 1-hour level, it seems that we are still in the first 1-hour level rebound. The adjustment around 63000 is just a consolidation of a central area. Currently, this 1-hour level rebound still needs a 15-minute level pullback and a 15-minute level rebound to complete. The target above is around 66500~67000. After this 1-hour level rebound ends, there will still be a 1-hour level pullback and a third 1-hour level rebound that need to occur. Overall, we should enter the expected range of 66500~70000.

As for whether the 4-hour level rebound can successfully break through 70,000, it depends on the market's own developments. If it breaks through, we should see an overall weekly level upward phase.


At the 15-minute level, we are currently experiencing an upward movement from the 15-minute level central area departure segment. There should still be a 15-minute level pullback and a 15-minute level upward movement to follow. For short-term pullbacks, pay attention to around 65000, and for the next 15-minute level upward movement, see if it reaches 67000~68000 as indicated by the blue arrow in the image above.


Currently, the 4-hour level rebound for Ethereum has not ended. In the short term, we are looking to see if the 1-hour level rebound can touch around 2700. After that, there will be a second 1-hour level pullback and a third 1-hour level rebound. Overall, for Ethereum's 4-hour level rebound, we have been firmly bullish from around 2400 a few days ago to around 2830 or higher, so we continue to patiently wait for the price to reach the expected position.

Trend Direction

Weekly Level: Direction is downward, theoretically around 49000 is about right. Whether it has ended still needs observation, but the probability of starting a weekly rebound is increasing.

Daily Level: Direction is upward, in the short term, we should continue to look at the 67000~70000 range.

4-Hour Level: Direction is upward, currently undergoing a 4-hour level rebound, target is the 66500~70000 range. Whether it can break through 70,000 needs further observation.

1-Hour Level: Direction is upward, in the short term, it should still be able to go up a bit more, with expectations that a 1-hour pullback may start tomorrow afternoon or evening.

15-Minute Level: Direction is upward, still needs a 15-minute level pullback and a 15-minute level rebound.

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The article is time-sensitive, please pay attention to risks. The views expressed are personal suggestions and for reference only!


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