This is not a paid post or an ad.
As many of you know, I've been living the digital nomad lifestyle for the past ~20 months I move to a new city and/or country every month.
All of my belongings are in a carry-on suitcase and a backpack, both from @Nomaticgear.
They're currently doing a MASSIVE discount right now and I think you should know about it, especially if you have any trips coming up or if you're in need of upgrading your gear.
Want to know exactly what I use from them?
• Carry on classic
• Travel bag 30L
Both are on sale for a significant discount vs. what I paid for them.
The gear that I have from them are like the Cadillacs of travel gear, which is why I think you should know about the deal that they're running.
Even at full price, I think their stuff is worth every penny.
Otherwise, why would I even write this post?
I have no relationship with Nomatic.
I have no partnership with Nomatic.
I'm not an affiliate with Nomatic.
Nomatic doesn't even know I exist.
I just really like their stuff and I think you will too.